Terms and Conditions

1) Liability: The Dance Academy of Prince Rupert, its’ proprietor, or those in its’ employ are not liable for any injury, sickness or disability which occurs due to the physical activity of dance; any loss of or damage to personal property, whether it be at the studio, competition, event or travel. I exempt, release and indemnify the Dance Academy of Prince Rupert and any and all persons related to the Dance Academy of Prince Rupert from any and all liability claims, demands, or causes of action whatsoever from any damage, loss or physical injury to myself or my participating minor child.

2) Tuition and Fees:

  • DAPR accepts
  • Anyone making payments over time requires a credit card on file.
  • If the student’s surname is different from the surname on the cheque/e-transfer please write the student’s name in the memo section.
  • A $25 charge will be applied to returned cheques.
  • Interest will be charged on overdue accounts.
  • If you have questions regarding your account, please contact the bookkeeper, Teresa Vanderweil at [email protected].


  • Tuition is based on a full school year (Sep to Jun) excluding studio breaks.
  • Tuition can be paid in one, three, or nine payments.
  • Cash, debit, or e-transfer can only be used for one payment.
  • Three payments are due: immediately, Nov 1, and Jan 1.
  • Nine payments are due: immediately and the 1st of each month thereafter Oct-May (or Sep-Apr for those who opted for early registration – Early registration requires a summer payment due by Aug 1).
  • The 9 payment option is an equal divide of fees, not a monthly fee, and does not correspond to how many classes are in a month.
  • Paying in 3 or 9 installments requires postdated cheques or a credit card number on file. ALL cheques are required before registration can be completed.
  • If tuition fees are not paid when due the student will be removed from classes until the account is settled.
  • For emergencies, please contact the bookkeeper so arrangements can be made.

DISCOUNTS (where applicable – Please contact the studio for a fee calculation so that discounts may be applied.):

  • Family Discount: 5% to 20%
  • Multi-Class Discount: 5% to 20%
  • Early Registration Discount 3%
  • Referral Discount: 50% of friend’s first month payment credited to YOU!

Throughout the year there may be extra fees (mostly for Dance Team students) such as exam fees, choreography fees, workshop fees, group entry fees, etc. You will be invoiced for all other payments. Payments are due upon receipt. Please note – If you commit to an Exam, Workshop, or Choreography, the fees often depend on student involvement, so you may still be responsible for the fee even if you are unable to participate.

3) Voluntary termination: One month’s written notice is required (email is acceptable). One month from the receipt of the letter will be charged as an administration fee, the remaining tuition will be returned to you. It is the students choice if they wish to finish out the month after their notification. If a class is cancelled by the Academy a full refund of the remaining tuition will be issued. No other payments are eligible for refund as they are used as soon as received (e.g. costume payments are due after costumes are ordered, entry fees go through the studio directly to competitions, recital video fees go through the studio directly to the videographer, etc.).

4) Overdue Accounts: If you are in arrears in your DAPR tuition fees, please contact the bookkeeper immediately to make arrangements to bring your account up to date. Costumes may also be held until your account is up to date.

5) Costumes: Dance Team: Dancers will be measured for costumes in Sep and costumes will be ordered in Oct. You can expect to be invoiced sometime in Dec/Jan. Costumes will be distributed in January/February.
Recreational: Dancers will be measured for costumes in January. Costumes are paid for at the time of registration and are non-refundable after Jan 31. Costumes will be distributed in May/June.

6) Release of Information: I hereby give the Dance Academy of Prince Rupert permission to release my personal contact details to staff and parent volunteers for the purpose of contacting me regarding my participation in the Dance Academy of Prince Rupert. Dance Team students also grant permission for the release of personal contact details to Jazz Productions Association for the administration of the BC Annual Dance Competition.

7) Advertisements: I hereby give the Dance Academy of Prince Rupert permission to use my/my child’s photo and name for the purpose of advertising in the local newspaper, printed materials, and on the website and social media.

8) Communication: The Dance Academy of Prince Rupert has a green policy. Schedules, notices, invoices, and statements of account are emailed whenever possible. If you do not have email or do not wish to be communicated with via email, it is your responsibility to check the notices posted at the Academy.

9) COVID (and illness) LIABILITY RELEASE AGREEMENT: Due to the 2019 outbreak of the novel Coronavirus (COVID-19), I affirm that I, or my minor child, will not knowingly attend class or events having been exposed to, diagnosed with, or exhibiting symptoms of illness. • I understand that the Dance Academy of Prince Rupert cannot be held liable for any exposure to the illness. • I agree to each statement above and release The Dance Academy of Prince Rupert from any and all liability for unintentional exposure or harm due to COVID-19 or other illness.

By registering with the Dance Academy of Prince Rupert you agree that you have read, acknowledge, understand, and agree to these Terms of Agreement.